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Train your mind before training your voice | VoxGuru ft. Pratibha Sarathy
How to Train your Voice at home | VoxGuru ft. Pratibha Sarathy
How to improve your rhythm sense? | VoxGuru ft. Pratibha Sarathy
Sing with Confidence | 5 Tips to start today | VoxGuru ft. Pratibha Sarathy
Singing from the stomach | VoxGuru ft. Pratibha Sarathy
Are you straining your voice? Take this test to find out! | Pratibha Sarathy
Singing Basics Ep #5 - Ear Training | VoxGuru ft. Pratibha Sarathy
Sing without strain | 3 Easy steps to remove tension | VoxGuru ft. Pratibha Sarathy
How to identify the notes of any song? | VoxGuru ft. Pratibha Sarathy
How to achieve Vocal Fitness? | VoxGuru ft. Pratibha Sarathy
Singing on Stage | 5 Tips to be a great performer | VoxGuru ft. Pratibha Sarathy
Daily Warmups Ep #2 | Singing in Perfect Pitch | VoxGuru ft. Pratibha Sarathy